2024 Tryouts!
We're only 15 days away from Tryouts for the 2024 season! To register for Tryouts please follow this link: 2024 HSBC Tryouts
There is no cost to register for Tryouts. If you son makes the team, payment will be due in the fall prior to the kickoff meeting at the end of October. The registration costs for all players who make a team is $450.00. For families with multiple children there is a $50.00 discount.
HSBC 2024 Season Tryouts will be held on Saturday, July 15th, 2023. All rain outs will be held on Sunday, July 16th.
U8-U12 team evaluations will be at Lincoln Athletic Fields. (680 Cedar St., Hartford)
U13-U14 team evaluations will be at Westside Park. (529 W Sumner St., Hartford)
A form must be filled out for each player attending tryouts regardless of past participation or not. If you are registering more than one player for tryouts, you must fill this form out for each player you are registering.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the designated start times below.
Lincoln Athletic Fields:
U8- 9:00-11:00
U9- 11:00-1:00
U10- 9:00-11:00
U11- 11:00-1:00
U12- 1:15-3:15
Westside Park:
U13- 11:00-1:00
U14- 9:00-11:00
What to bring: Bat, glove, cleats, baseball hat, and a good attitude. Please wear baseball style pants. If you are a current member of the club, do NOT wear your current jersey.
Find us on Facebook at Hartford-WI-Select-Baseball-Club for more information.
Further questions may be directed to Dean Williams (Director of Tryouts), at HSBCTryouts@gmail.com.